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作者:城市网 来源:城市总裁吧 更新日期:2014-12-15

  雅思听力逻辑信号词1 表示列举,增补关系的信号词


  and in addition to one more thing what’s more besides either also too as well as for instance for example furthermore such as like likewise similarly moreover together

  雅思听力逻辑信号词2 表示转折或者对比关系


  Although by/in contrast as a matter of fact nevertheless instead however otherwise while thought but despite on the contrary on the other hand in the same way in spite of yet whereas

  雅思听力逻辑信号词3 表示顺序喝序列关系的信号词


  First second last but not least third in the middle after between before next for a start afterward finally for one thing for another in the first place first of all to begin with meanwhile until subsequently previously then

  雅思听力逻辑信号词4 表示解释或者强调关系的信号词


  That is in particular I mean namely especially actually in other words that is to say specially another way of saying equally

  雅思听力逻辑信号词5 表示因果关系的信号词


  As a result therefore so for since for this reason because consequently thus

  雅思听力逻辑信号词6 表示归纳,结论性关系的信号词


  As a result altogether finally in short therefore overall in sum thus on the whole in brief to conclude in a word consequently to sum up to summarize in conclusion

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